Kindergarten Full Day Supply List
Walnut Avenue School
School Year: 2025-2026
Grades: Kindergarten
Classes: All Kindergarten Full Day Teachers
11" 3-Ring Binder (Optional)
1Backpack - No Wheels (Optional)(no rigid frames)
1Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues (Optional)
1Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size (Optional)plastic
1Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen) (Optional)in a plastic bag (Labeled with name)
1Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s) (Optional)
1Crayons, 24 Count (Optional)pack
4EXPO® Dry Erase Markers (Optional)(black or blue)
2Elmer's® Glue Stick, Large (22g /.77 oz)
2Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders (Optional)(2-pocket)
1Package(s) of Page Protectors (Optional)(plastic sleeves)
1Panasonic Headphones (Optional)Standard plug-in, in a ziploc bag (Labeled with name)
1Pencil Bag/Pouch (Optional)(soft pencil pouch)
1School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic) (Optional)(hard pencil box)
1White Board Erasers (Optional)(for dry erase marker)
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